Tuesday, January 8, 2008

On The Contrary...

I am running behind on my blog post this month. "Running Behind"; wouldn't that be a cool Native American name. That would often be what I am called by. "Hey you, Running Behind, come here for a minute...

Oh well, it seems funny in my head anyway...

Although it does remind me of an old tribal custom of some American Indian Tribes. There was a time when a certain member of the tribe would do things backwards (as much as humanly possible). He would walk backwards, ride his horse backwards, etc... He was referred to as a "Contrary". His responsibility was to remind the tribe of the futility of human effort. Sometimes we get so tied up with our selfish ambitions that we forget how futile life can be without each other and without God. Our life loses logic and purpose when we concentrate on that which seems to make the most sense. Sometimes being Contrary (or illogical) is the wisest course of action.

Jesus reminds us of that fact in the Bible when he stated in Mat 5:44 "But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; ..." These things are all contrary to our normal human response. They seem illogical, but they are the most effective way to remain sane and happy.

Let us set aside some time to be Contrary. Set aside the fears, and worries and stresses of life and simply do the opposite of that which we would normally do. Take a break from that which seems logical to mankind and you will find new perspective.

Life can be fun and you can be successful. But only if you willing to be Contrary. While all the other sheep are running for the precipice, all the while knowing they are destined for destruction; We need to stop and head the other direction... even if there are others who will call us "Contrary".

Does your career seem to be going backwards? Check out some Business Opportunities on my web site.

Charles Beason

www. rugrunnerbiz.com

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